Rouen cathedral fire: Map resurfaces online claiming 'Christianophobia' against French churches
Following the small fire that broke out on the spire in Rouen’s famous Gothic cathedral, misleading posts have circulated online fuelling claims that the fire was a “religious attack”. Not only did Rouen’s authorities never said this, but the misinformation also surged after a map claiming to show “all church fires in France” went viral. Originally created by Catholic activists, the map gathered data from online users who report all kinds of activities deemed anti-Christian. Vedika Bahl explains in this episode of Truth or Fake.
Following the small fire that broke out on the spire in Rouen’s famous Gothic cathedral, misleading posts have circulated online fuelling claims that the fire was a “religious attack”. Not only did Rouen’s authorities never said this, but the misinformation also surged after a map claiming to show “all church fires in France” went viral. Originally created by Catholic activists, the map gathered data from online users who report all kinds of activities deemed anti-Christian. Vedika Bahl explains in this episode of Truth or Fake.